WorkStack in The Guardian’s top five best architecture of 2023

WorkStack in The Guardian’s top five best architecture of 2023

WorkStack in The Guardian’s top five best architecture of 2023

Lovely news to end the year, as  WorkStack is number five on Oliver Wainwright’s best architecture of 2023 in The Guardian.

On including our light industrial project for the Greenwich Enterprise Board in his round up, he said: “As space for manufacturing is pushed ever further out of our cities, or obliterated altogether, dRMM’s ingenious project in Charlton, south-east London, shows how workshops and studios can be cleverly piled high on a tight site. Built from cross-laminated timber, the structure steps out as it rises, providing bigger studios at the lighter upper levels, fitting more floor area on a small footprint, and creating a striking roadside beacon – trumpeting that manufacturing is here to stay. Housing furniture-makers, clothing producers and an electric bike workshop, it proves to developers that a “mixed use” development can mean more than coffee shops and yoga studios.”

We’re looking forward to following WorkStack’s progress in 2024!

